
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Jaden Bales - Mule Deer Across the West
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Jaden and I have a general discussion on the state of mule deer in the west. Jaden is part of The Rich Outdoors Podcast. Over the past months, he's had multiple biologists as guests to discuss the status of deer herds across the west. We discuss changing draw odds, states management strategies, and the overall status of mule deer hunting. Enjoy!

Thursday Mar 12, 2020
Clint Casper - Heading West to Hunt Mule Deer
Thursday Mar 12, 2020
Thursday Mar 12, 2020
This episode I have a conversation with Clint Casper about hunting mule deer and living in the midwest. We discuss researching hunts, gaining bonus points, how to draw tags, e-scouting, and successfully killing mule deer on an out-of-state hunt. Clint has written multiple articles for various hunting magazines. He still enjoys hunting whitetail during the rut in his home state but western mule deer are quickly becoming his favorite. Enjoy!
Clint - @casperclint
Podcast - @finding.backcountry.podcast
Host - @dustinwittwer

Monday Feb 24, 2020
John Bair - I Believe I Would...Sold!
Monday Feb 24, 2020
Monday Feb 24, 2020
Ever since I started attending the Western Conservation & Hunting Expo years ago, I was always impressed watching John auction off high-dollar tags in the way of conservation and wildlife management. John always seemed like a down-to-earth guy who loved what he was doing. His passion for wildlife and hunting is apparent and obvious as we chatted about being an auctioneer, history of the Western Hunting Expo, and the most expensive tag he's ever auctioned. Enjoy!
John Bair - @johnbairauctioneer
Podcast - @finding.backcountry.podcast
Hunt Expo - @huntexpo

Monday Feb 17, 2020
Marlon Holden - Desert Bucks
Monday Feb 17, 2020
Monday Feb 17, 2020
I first came in contact with Marlon years ago when chat forums were the thing. He was clearly a knowledgeable backcountry hunter getting after it. I was new to backcountry hunting in general. He went above and beyond, willing to share specific information to help a complete stranger get started backcountry hunting. Marlon has always been willing to share valuable information to those in the hunting world.
Apologies for any audio quality issues. That said, my editor did an amazing job with this episode. It was much worse! Thanks Anthony!
Please share any feedback or suggestions for a more valuable podcast to: findingbackcountry@gmail.com

Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Aron Snyder - Kifaru International
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Aron and I discuss multiple topics including hunting fitness, social media, hunting Colorado, Kifaru, backpacking gear, traditional archery, and much more. Aron is one of the most authentic people in the hunting world. He tests tons of different pieces of gear each year and spends more time in the mountains than the average hunter. He runs Kifaru International, high-quality backpacks and is the co-host of Kifarucast. Enjoy!
@aron_snyder - Instagram
@kifaru_intl - Kifaru International

Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Kyle Williams - Backcountry Gear & Pack Goats
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
I chat with Kyle Williams, a passionate backcountry hunter. Kyle and I met a few years back at the Western Hunt Expo. I could tell right off, he was someone I wanted to follow. Since then he's knocked down a couple smoker bucks and a good bull. It's been awesome to see someone put in the hard work, make a goal, and execute it. We discuss backcountry gear, packing with goats, and how to be successful when backcountry hunts get tough. Enjoy!

Friday Jan 03, 2020
Jason Wittwer - 2019 Hunt Recap: Wyoming Elk, Utah & Colorado Archery Deer
Friday Jan 03, 2020
Friday Jan 03, 2020
New Year's Eve podcast! My brother and I celebrate the New Year by talking hunting. Big surprise! We recap hunting elk in Wyoming, along with our two archery mule deer hunts in Utah & Colorado. Thanks to everyone who has listened along the past year! I hope I have brought some value. Please reach out with any podcast episodes or guests you would like to hear from over the next year. Happy 2020!

Wednesday Dec 25, 2019
South Cox: Hunting with Larry D. Jones & Llama Drama
Wednesday Dec 25, 2019
Wednesday Dec 25, 2019
Merry Christmas! Your Christmas present is an awesome episode with South Cox. We recap a couple of his past hunts including a Nevada elk hunt and a once-in-a-lifetime hunt with Larry D. Jones, who was a big hunting inspiration to South. We conclude with a discussion on hunting with pack goats vs. pack llamas, including a llama-drama story with one of our Backcountry Logistics llamas. Enjoy!
South is the owner/operator of Stalker Stickbows. @stalkerstickbows
Llama rentals from @backcountry_logistics
Podcast page @finding.backcountry.podcast

Thursday Dec 19, 2019
Enchanted Hunting Stories with Marc "Muleyslayer" Smith
Thursday Dec 19, 2019
Thursday Dec 19, 2019
Marc and I relive our hunting stories from New Mexico this past season. Marc and his crew took a couple of their biggest bucks to date on the New Mexico rifle deer hunt. Marc discusses missed shots, overcoming adversity on a hunt, being successful on big bucks with multiple tags in camp, and wanting success for your hunting partners. I recap my New Mexico Aoudad hunt story including missing a wind call, hunting with suppressors, and bringing value to receive value. Enjoy!

Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
Justin Gordon, part 2: 348 5/8" Gordon Buck Hunt Story
Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
I had the privilege to sit down with Justin Gordon, who killed one of the biggest mule deer ever...348 5/8"!!! The Gordon Buck is a public land, free range, DIY backcountry buck of a lifetime. Justin recounts the entire story including his hunting buddy finding the deer, the stalk, and people's reaction to the buck. Enjoy!
Email questions to: findingbackcountry@gmail.com
Justin Gordon Instagram: @backcountrytines
Podcast Instagram: @finding.backcountry.podcast
Also check out: @teambackcountry