
Monday Apr 23, 2018
Monday Apr 23, 2018
Cody Rich, host of The Rich Outdoors Podcast, joins me on the show today! Cody is a pioneer in the hunting podcast world. His show, The Rich Outdoors Podcast inspired me to start the Finding Backcountry Podcast. I make it a point to talk to Cody about some other life events besides hunting. We discuss his quad racing career. We discuss his rifle cartridge company. We also discuss his life-changing swimming accident that almost left him paralyzed. He tells how he pushed through a near-death event. Enjoy!

Monday Apr 16, 2018
#28 - Luke Sterling - Wolf Hunting - Sterlings Extreme Outdoors
Monday Apr 16, 2018
Monday Apr 16, 2018
Wolf hunting success! Luke Sterling (Sterlings Extreme Outdoors) talks wolf hunting tactics in his home state of Montana. Luke has found success by spending countless days in the field and working harder than most hunters. Luke talks about how he finds wolves and the tips he uses to successfully kill them. Luke tagged out on 4 wolves this season. We answer questions from social media followers as well. Enjoy!

Monday Apr 09, 2018
#27 - Jason Phelps - Calling Bull Elk, Phelps Game Calls, Land of the Free
Monday Apr 09, 2018
Monday Apr 09, 2018
Secrets to calling bull elk! Jason Phelps is a small town guy, living his hunting dream. We discuss how he got started hunting elk and why he started Phelps Game Calls. Jason breaks down every aspect of a successful bull elk calling setup. We dissect the basic bugles and cow calls and how, why, and when to make each sound. We talk about the Land of the Free project he participated in last season with Born & Raised Outdoors. Jason also explains where he'll be applying to hunt this year. Enjoy!

Monday Apr 02, 2018
#26 - Tony Trietch - Gear, Application Strategy, Backcountry Hunting Tactics
Monday Apr 02, 2018
Monday Apr 02, 2018
Western Backcountry Hunting Strategies! Tony spends more time in the field each fall than some guys do in a lifetime. Tony breaks down his western backcountry application strategy. We discuss how he removes meat from the backcountry when hunting alone. We breakdown some of the core pieces of gear he uses. We discuss backcountry mule deer tactics and how Tony continues to hunt monster deer each year. Enjoy!

Monday Mar 26, 2018
#25 - Nevada State Breakdown - Dustin & Jason Wittwer
Monday Mar 26, 2018
Monday Mar 26, 2018
Nevada application strategy! We suggest the best units for backcountry hunting! Jason and I tell our favorite Nevada hunting story. We discuss all the new changes to Nevada's draw system. Enjoy!

Monday Mar 19, 2018
#24 - Marc Warnke - Pack Goats
Monday Mar 19, 2018
Monday Mar 19, 2018
Pack goats for tha backcountry! Marc Warnke is as knowledgable on pack goats as any backcountry hunter I know. Marc shares extensive knowledge including where to find pack goats, what maintenance to expect if you own pack goats, how he hunts with pack goats, and some responsibilities to consider as a pack goat owner. Pack goats can take your backcountry hunting capability to the next level. Marc can't stand seeing other hunters in the backcountry. He uses pack goats to put miles between himself and the next guy on the mountain. Enjoy!

Monday Mar 12, 2018
Monday Mar 12, 2018
Colorado Mule Deer Breakdown! Muley Matt breaks down the Colorado application process, with an emphasis on the mule deer hunts. We discuss each of the seasons, where to find big bucks, and all the changes to the Colorado application process. Matt has been chasing Colorado mule deer his entire life. He lives to find, photograph, and hunt big mule deer. Follow his social media page and you'll see what I mean! Enjoy!

Monday Mar 05, 2018
#22 - Jim Shockey - Legendary Legacy
Monday Mar 05, 2018
Monday Mar 05, 2018
Jim Shockey is arguably the most legendary hunter of my lifetime. He has hunted 370 big game species on earth, probably the most of anyone currently alive. Jim is a family man. His most cherished moments involve time spent hunting with family members such as his son, Branlin, or daughter, Eva. We discuss mistakes he's made as a hunter, the legacy he's creating, and his love for his sweetheart wife, Louise. We also discuss how the mountains bring us closer to knowing God. Jim is the host of mulitple hunting shows including Jim Shockey's Hunting Adventures, Jim Shockey's UNCHARTED, and Jim Shockey's The Professionals. He truly is a one-of-a-kind guest. Enjoy!

Friday Mar 02, 2018
#21 - Marc Smith guest host with Tommy Young
Friday Mar 02, 2018
Friday Mar 02, 2018
Marc "Muleyslayer" Smith takes over the podcast as guest host and sits down at the 2018 Western Hunt Expo with his cousin Tommy Young. Marc talks with Tommy about their experiences growing up hunting together. Tommy was once called "the Chuck Norris of backcountry hunting..." He's the real deal with a wealth of experience! Enjoy!

Monday Feb 26, 2018
Monday Feb 26, 2018
Clothing Layering Systems! Ryan Callaghan is the Director of Conservation & Public Relations at First Lite Clothing. We discuss his role, and the role we can all play in hunting conservation. Ryan talks about the clothing layering system he uses for different weather conditions. We also discuss more about the technicality of hunting clothing than anyone ever should. We dive deep into merino wool characteristics. Ryan is a genuine hunter who loves the outdoors and spends an ample amount of time hunting the backcountry each year. Enjoy!